Commercial Pressure Washing

Most Complete Commercial Pressure Washing Service in the Twin Cities

  • Over 10 years of commercial concrete and paver restoration
  • State of the art cleaning and sealing equipment
  • Professional on-site consultations, inspections, and assessments
  • Always on time and on budget

Large-scale or small, Clean ‘N Seal has the knowledge and experience to take on your commercial pressure washing project. Throughout the Minneapolis metro area, our complete pressure washing services have restored parking lots, loading docks, outdoor mall patios, and main street sidewalks to their original states.

Whether you need paver restoration or concrete cleaning on your walkways or your exteriors need graffiti removal, let our detail-oriented precision update your business’s exterior today!

No Hassle Commercial Cleaning Services

You don’t have time to shut down your parking lot or garage while your concrete is being cleaned. Shopping mall businesses don’t need to close while their concrete paver sidewalks and patios are restored. With Clean ‘N Seal’s innovative water reclamation systems, your property remains open while we restore it.

Our state of the art equipment removes water, as well as dirt, stains, and debris, so your property’s spotless appearance is restored efficiently. Our equipment is also compact enough to allow sections of your property to remain open for customers.

Our Commercial Projects in the Twin Cities Metro Area

You can see our high-quality commercial work all over the metro area!

  • US Bank Stadium: Blasted rust stains from their concrete.
  • Hutchinson, Apple Valley, & Chaska: Cleaned and sealed their Main Street sidewalks.
  • ValleyFair Amusement Park: Cleaned and re-sanded all their paver walkways.
  • Eagan Outlet Mall: Cleaned 175,000 square feet of concrete and pavers and installed joint-sand across the whole area.

And many more! Your pressure washing project isn’t too big or too small, so let’s get started today.

Full Service Commercial Pressure Washing

From parking garage cleaning to paver restoration to concrete loading dock cleaning, Clean ‘N Seal provides a wide range of services to restore your property’s welcoming appearance.

Pressure Washing

The best way to remove road salt, dirt, and grime is with professional pressure washing. Our detail-oriented experts take the time to prep your property and carefully steam pressure wash it, so you get the most complete clean for your exterior surfaces.

Concrete & Paver Sealing

To ensure your pavers and concrete last long into the future, it is important to seal them. Concrete sealing protects them from wear and tear, harsh weather, road salt, automotive grease, and other stains.

Media Blasting

If you need to strip your parking lot for repainting or if you need to remove graffiti from walls, use our exceptional media blasting services. Hard-to-remove paints, sealers, and stains are no match to our state-of-the-art blasting equipment.

Joint Sand Restoration

Loose and wobbly pavers are unattractive and unsafe. With our complete paver restoration process, we replace the joint sand, so that when it hardens it locks the pavers in place, keeps weeds and insects out, and won’t blow or wash away in harsh weather.

Get a Free Estimate for Your Commercial Pressure Washing Project

Explore your cleaning options today! Call Clean ‘N Seal at 952.393.9588 or connect with us online for your free estimate.


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